Meet our CH team!

    CH Shaki

    CH Questionnaire:

  • Introduction (Tell us about yourself, include your CH Name):
    Hello everyone! I'm CH Shakalaki also known as CH Shaka lol, I'm a 22 yrs old nursing student originated in beautiful Costa Rica.

  • What’s the best thing about being a chat host?
    I love being able to interact with different from around the world, and also being able to work from home lol!.

  • If we could add sound to our bingo rooms, what would be your entrance theme song?
    Definitely the ´Friends´ theme song lol.

  • What is your typical work-from-home outfit?
    My Jammies LOL.

  • My favorite chat game is:

  • Tell us your favorite three bingo patterns.
    Any pattern in memory of a chat host and i also like the bday pattern lol to give away free bbsss!.

  • I like listening to _______ during my shift:
    Love me some R&B and hip hop.

  • What is the funniest thing that has ever happened while you have been in a chat room?
    When roomies start telling funny stories lol.

  • What book or movie have you read/seen recently that you would recommend and why?
    Last book i read was a while ago, a novel callded ´After´. I do want to get back into reading though. last movie I watched was probably a horror movie lol i loveee horror movies!.

  • The zombie apocalypse is coming; what are the three things you would take with you?
    canned food, a razor with multiple uses and idk an emergency kit lol.

  • You must sing karaoke, what song do you pick?
    Hmmm i have way too many to choose from lol!.

  • What is your hidden talent?
    I love doing make up and i would say im okay at it lol not to toot my own horn.

  • Have you ever completed anything on your “bucket list”? If yes, let us know about it.
    Not yet ;).

  • Give roomies your best advice to increase their chances of winning.
    I don't have any specific advise lol, purchase lots of cards maybe LOL :P.

  • What can roomies expect to experience during your shift?
    LOTS of chatting and laughter lol.

  • What is your life motto?
    Live and let others live ;).